All entries are subject to the Show Regulations and By-laws, the special Section Regulations,
and to the Uniform By-laws made under the Royal Agricultural Society Shows Act, 1962.
The information provided by the Exhibitor in their application form is collected and used by
the Bridgetown Agricultural Society to organize and conduct Competitions at our Show. We
may publish details such as name, address and exhibit details in any of our publications or
communication. Information may also be made available to and published by the media. We
will not disclose your information without your consent for any other purpose unless required
or authorised by law. You may request access to your personal information for corrections to
our records by writing to the Secretary, Bridgetown Agricultural Society, PO Box 17,
Bridgetown WA 6255.
* Relevant forms at the back of the schedule, or on our website at
must be completed correctly and forwarded with correct entry fees.
* Forms close with the Show Administrator, 5pm on the Monday before the Show unless
otherwise stipulated.
* Late entry forms will not be accepted for ANY SECTION.
* Exhibits must be ready for judging as stipulated by each Section.
* Late exhibits will NOT be judged.
* Exhibition halls will be open to public viewing on Show Day.
* Exhibits must remain in place until 5 pm on Show Day.
* After 5 pm, exhibits are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor or owner.
* The Society will be under no liability to any exhibitor for any loss or damage of their
exhibit, whether caused by or attributed to the negligence of the Society or any of its servants.
* Exhibits not removed within one month will become the property of the Society.
* Date of birth of each stock exhibit shown in an age class, shall be shown on entry form.
* All cattle exhibited shall be registered with a recognised Herd Book Society and be entered
under the name of the registered owner. The exhibitor must present a photocopy of the
Registration Certificate of an exhibit if and when requested by the Chief Steward.
* Control of Stock exhibits. All exhibits must be led onto and off the grounds and must be
under proper control at all times. Bulls over nine months of age must have nose rings inserted
in their nose and be led. All females over nine months of age are to be led with fitted nose
* Lambs to be weighed on grounds. No disqualification will be made where exhibits are
overweight but one point will be deducted for every kilogram or part thereof where the
individual weight of each lamb exceeds the maximum weight of the class. No pen to compete
in more than one class.
* All female stud stock, three years and over, must show definite evidence of having bred
within 12 months prior to the show. A statutory declaration must be given to this effect if
desired by the judge. Mares, ten years and over, must show evidence of having foaled or be in
* Definition of a maiden for ring event horses: “Maiden is a horse which has not won a first
prize in show prior to the day of competition”.
* Winning Prize money is to be collected from the Treasurer/Secretary’s Office, Show Day.
OFFICE HOURS are 7am to 5.30pm sharp.
* TROPHY Collection from the Trophy Steward after major presentations, from 2pm to
* Champion Ribbon: Red, White and Blue. First Prize-Blue: Second Prize-Red: Third
Prize-Yellow: Fourth Prize-White (where a third prize is awarded).
* Certificates awarded to all Prize-winning Exhibits and where deserving, in the judge’s
opinion, Special Certificates of Merit.
* POINTS allocation is 1st Place – three points, 2nd Place – two points, 3rd Place – one
* Ties will be decided on a countback of firsts, then, if still a tie, most entries shall be
* All prizes not claimed one month after the show shall be forfeited to the funds of the
Family Membership includes 2 Adults and their children 17yrs/u when accompanied by a
parent/Guardian through the gate.
Family Membership to be paid by 30th September …… .. $30
Single Membership to be paid by 30th September ……… $15
Show Day Admission & South West Group of Show Societies Policy – see page 3 of
Schedule Program
* These Grounds are now a SMOKE FREE VENUE
* The use of loudspeakers or other amplifying equipment is prohibited during the currency of
the show, except in cases where such equipment may be used to give coverage to the inside
of an exhibitor’s building.
* NO DOGS permitted on grounds unless Seeing Eye Dogs or Dogs for Competition. These
must be on a leash and cared for by the owner at all times while on the grounds.
* Only ribbons and cards won on this show day may be worn or placed by the exhibit.
* No exhibit may compete in more than one class, except in special group classes and with
the exception of ring events.
* Exhibits must be free from disease and parasites to be accepted for judging.
* Handicap Car Pass – apply to the Secretary.
* Nursing Mothers facilities – enquire at the Secretary’s Office.
1. Always be punctual, courteous and neatly dressed.
2. Be familiar with the Schedule and Conditions of each class. In particular the PRIZE
MONEY /TROPHIES /POINTS allocation for judging and in the event of a Tie (see page
12) Advise the judge accordingly.
3. Ensure that exhibit numbers are clearly visible.
4. Write ‘absent’ in Steward’s Catalogue against the number of the exhibit not brought
forward for judging.
5. Ensure all exhibits presented for judging are brought before the judge and judging does not
take place before the stated time.
6. Stewards must not discuss the quality of an exhibit with the judge.
7. Ensure proper decorum is kept in the judging area.
If unauthorised persons should enter, judging must be deferred until they leave.
8. Ensure the judge marks all awards correctly.
9. A judge may consult the Society’s Veterinary Officer at any time.
10. A judge can withhold an award of a first or any prize if they are of the opinion that the
exhibit is unworthy. Consultation with the Chief Steward is advised, if a Trophy/Perpetual
Trophy is involved. Certificates of Merit may be awarded if the judge considers
competition merits such awards.
11. Consult with the Chief Steward if in doubt of any issues.
12. After judging, complete paperwork clearly and return to the Secretary
with completed Steward’s Books and surplus ribbons.
13. Accompany judge to allocated area for refreshments following judging.
14. Ensure that all horses and prize-winning stock if possible are included in the parade.